Discover the power of a strong brand.

Nail down your brand strategy and use our easy-to-follow system to amplify your blog’s reach and stand out in search results.

It's time to go Pro

AI, Algorithm Updates & More - Yikes! 

You're trying not to panic

about the state of the blogging industry, but honestly, you’re freaking out a little (or maybe a lot) - there’s SO MUCH to keep up with, and the rules keep changing.  

You have a somewhat consistent vibe

and feel for your blog, but you feel like it’s mostly cobbled together with no clear strategy. 

You know brand is important

but you're not really sure where to start with a brand strategy that aligns with and supports the business of blogging.

Keep reading, because I’m here to help. 

Does any of this hit home for you? Make brand your North Star to navigate these challenges.

Hey, I'm Katie!

Branding expert, copywriter, and food blogger

For more than a decade I have been working at brand and business consultancies, helping huge global players define their brand platforms. I've also been a food blogger since 2010—I've had skin in the game for a long time, and I know all too well the challenges of trying to build a profitable business in this niche. 

Now I've taken everything I know from the agency world, and packaged it into a course for food bloggers who want to build a brand, refine their brand strategy, and take their business to the next level. 

A strong brand strategy is essential for every successful business.

A brand is so much more than just a logo and colors. It's about defining who you are, what you stand for, and where you're going—it's the total experience of your brand.

The time to build a brand is now. So, what are you waiting for? 

Having a Clear Brand Strategy Means...

Standing out in a competitive market 

Increased credibility with your audience and potential collaborators

Increased brand recognition and branded search

A community of loyal followers who come back to your site again and again 

Strengthening your opportunities beyond the blog

Long-term, sustainable growth for your food blog

Wouldn’t it be better if you could…

streamline your content strategy

  your business   

take the leap from blog to brand

Foodie Brand Lab

I’m handing over more than a decade of knowledge gleaned from building brands for huge global players across multiple different industries. 

This is the complete blueprint for crafting a brand strategy that amplifies and accelerates the growth of your blog. 

Yes, I want In

Part 01

Branding 101

First things first, we're going to dig into the basics of brand. We're going to get into what a brand is (and, even more importantly, what a brand isn't) in order to set the foundation for a strong brand strategy. We'll cover the fundamentals, including examples that relate to food blogs specifically. 

Here’s a sneak peek at our three-part framework: 

Part 02

The Brand Platform

Here's where we'll dig into and define your brand strategy. We'll be covering units such as brand position, purpose, values, and personality to create the architecture of your brand. 

Part 03

Brand Guidelines

Last but not least, we'll be packaging everything into handy brand guidelines so that anyone and everyone who is working on your brand (even if it's just you!) is on board with your brand strategy. We've created everything you need, including templates and checklists, to get the job done. 

Let’s talk about all the extras and bonuses

Lifetime access to the program and all future updates

Course workbook, templates and guidelines

Monthly office hours

Private student-only Slack channel

Real life case studies and examples

We're adding bonus units and resources all the time

To show you I’m with you on this...

I want to offer you a 100% risk-free guarantee.

When you join, you’ve got 14 days to test drive and explore if the course and community are the right fit for you. 

If within those 14 days you don’t feel like Foodie Brand Lab is the right solution for you, I’ll refund your money. 

No pressure. No icky sales pitch to try to get you stay. 

Just send an email to me at and let me know. 

You can get inside Foodie Brand Lab for...


$400 350

Yes, I want In

Foodie Brand Lab is coming soon!
Join our waitlist and be the first to know when doors officially open.

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"Going through the Foodie Brand Lab course was hands down the best thing I could have done to help set up my business for success. Katie does an excellent job of helping you understand what a brand is and is not and helps you to clearly define yourself so you can stand out amongst all of the other blogs out there."

Amanda Scarlati, Scarlati Family Kitchen

"Katie’s passion for branding is unmatched! You can instantly tell how passionate and knowledgeable she is on the topic. The best part is she’s able to break down her years of brand knowledge in an easy to understand way that makes you feel empowered to create or enhance your brand!"

Kylie Lato, Midwest Foodie

"Taking Katie's Foodie Brand Lab course has been so helpful to me. It came at exactly the right time when I began losing direction and focus."

Kori Butler Shuda, Seeking Good Eats

Frequently Asked Questions

Real talk - Is this actually worth $400?! 

Okay - Let’s get this out of the way up front. 

I know that money might feel kind of weird right now. Prices keep creeping up and blogging income is more unpredictable than ever (thanks for all those algorithm updates Google). 

It’s important to me that you feel safe, supported and that the work we do together transforms your business. My goal is that this is the best investment you make all year. 

I intentionally crafted the price of this course to reflect the value of the lessons inside - not just on the knowledge you’ll gain but also how foundational and life changing having a brand strategy will be for your business growth. 

More than a decade of knowledge and months of researching, creating and revising went into this course to make it the best it can possibly be. There’s also a ton of templates and additional resources to help you streamline this process and save time. 

You could probably Google some of this stuff for free and come up with a bunch of generic answers that don’t lead to any action, but I think you and I both know that the biggest impact comes from having a guided process with an expert in the field. 

So let’s do the math here: 

An industry expert + carefully curated lessons and resources + a student community to help support you + branding templates to make everything easier - yeah I would say that is worth the cost. 

I’m up to my eyeballs in work/email/life. I don’t think I have time to go through another course right now. 

I hear you! The checklist of everything you “should” be doing to grow your blog is completely unattainable right now. 

I’ve designed this course for even the most time-strapped food blogger. Each module has short, bitesize lessons coupled with actionable steps to make watching and implementing as easy as possible. 

And you've got lifetime access to the course, so you can go through it as fast or as slow as you need to. I’m here to make it as easy as possible for you. 

Who is this course for? 

Foodie Brand Lab is for established food bloggers who want to take their business to the next level. If you're a complete beginner, you can still absolutely take the course, but we don't think you'll get as much value out of it as you would if you've been in the game for at least a couple of years.

If you're unsure whether Foodie Brand Lab is right for you, shoot an email to, or book a discovery call. 

How long do I get access to everything for? 

You have lifetime access to all of the lessons, bonuses and resources inside of the course. This means you can log in anytime and work through the lessons without worrying about accidentally missing the expiration date or having to make another payment. 

While I do currently plan to run this program for a long time, lifetime access doesn’t mean for my personal lifetime, but the lifetime of the course. If I ever decide to make a change to the program I’ll make sure you know and have multiple chances to download everything. 

How can I get extra support in the course and ask questions? 

We have a private student Slack channel where you can ask questions! I also host office hour calls where you can ask questions directly and receive live feedback. 

What other tools and software do I need? Do I need to buy anything else?

There’s nothing else you need to buy to use this course. The brand templates included are created with Canva and you can use them with a free account. 

As you get into the actual design of your brand you may want to purchase specific fonts or additional resources to craft your brand, but that varies person to person and there are plenty of free resources to create the look and feel of your brand for free. 

How do I know if this course is the right fit for me?

You’ve seen how foundational branding is to growing any business. Think of huge corporations and popular food blogs - they all have a consistent and strong brand. 

If you’re ready to take the next step in growing and future-proofing your business this is the right next step to take. 

Do you have a refund policy? 

Yes! It’s super important to me that you’re satisfied with your purchase. I offer a 14-day refund policy. If the course isn’t for you, email me within 14 days of purchasing and I’ll issue a refund. 

I still have another question!

Let’s chat! You can email me at 

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